Monday 23 September 2013

"Catfish" a Harry Styles imagine part 1

 Harry imagine for everyone


''Hello'' you said to a random stranger on omegle. ''Hii'' the stranger said. "How are you?" You asked him. ''I'm fine, you?" He asked. "I'm fine, i'm just a bit tired" You said. You talked for about 15 minutes and you got to know him a bit better, his name is Edward, he's 19 and he lives in London.

"What's your facebook?" He asked. "(Y/FBN)" You awnsered and he sended you a request. You accepted it and you talked on facebook for about an other hour. The conversation was about what kind of music you liked, your friends and many more subjects.

*The next day*
nd of "date" not a date date but just were you could meet eachother. "OMG!" Your best friend screamed. she was so happy for you that you could finally meet him!

"You should wear this! Or this!". Your best friend was searching through your closet for an outfit you could wear for your date. "(Y/BF/N), stop it! You're not helping me make a decission!" You smiled and she laughed really hard.

*Day of the date*

The day has finally arrived, you are gonna meet Edward. You needed to be at 3pm at Starbucks. You got dressed into shorts, a blouse and a pair of converse. You straightend your hair and went to Starbucks, it was already 2:45pm so you needed to hurry up.
You went into Starbucks and ordered ice coffee. You didn't saw Edward yet. "He's late" You thought to yourself, so you decided to put on some music. Best Song Ever by One Direction was playing until you felt someone tap your shoulder.

"Hi (Y/N)"


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