Monday 23 September 2013

"Catfish" A Harry Styles imagine part 2

 "Hi (Y/N)" The boy said. You couldn't believe your eyes! Harry freaking Styles was standing infront of you. You tried not to scream, and instead you smiled at him. "Hi Edward" You said and winked at him. "You didn't expected it was me, did you?" He asked. "No not at all, I just thought i don't know. I'm overwelmed with feels at the moment" You giggled.

"Why do you have this fake account?" You asked him. ''To talk to fans" He awnsered. "Oh okay, now I get it!" You said. He laughed and then winked at you. You talked for about half an hour and then went outside for a walk in the park.

"Look (Y/N)! There are swings over there!" Harry screamed and he ran to the swings. You laughed and ran after them. ''I love these!" You smiled and then started to sing a song that you had in your head the whole day. It was It's a beautiful day by Michael Buble.

"It's a beautiful day and i can't stop myself from smiling" You continued to sing and Harry couldn't do anything but smile at you. ''You have a beautiful voice" He smiled. ''Thanks, but I don't sing a lot, only when i'm home alone i sing" You said shyly. ''Hey, no need to be shy babe" He said. It made you feel comfortable.

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