Monday 30 September 2013


"Would you rather be best friends with all of us or date one of us?",said Louis cockily. "lm already you best friend.",I said smiling at him. Louis stuck his tounge out at me as Eleanor laughed at him.Zayn was cosied up on a bean bag with Perrie, Harry sat next to me, Liam was in the kitchen with Sophia and Niall sat ahead of me. Harry draped an arm around me, pulling me close. "So? How about we watch a movie!",he suggested enthusiastically. "So you can secretly kiss y\n?",smirked Niall, winking at Harry."you're blushing!",pointed out Eleanor with a giggle. And sure enough as I looked at Harry, his cheeks were red. He immediately withdrew his arm from my shoulder. "so y\n....did you know Harry couldn't stop talking about you all tour. God he wouldn't shut up!",laughed Louis as Harry shot him a glare. "did not!",protested Harry. "Y\n texted me. I like the way she laughs. She's pretty! Why can't she be my girlfriend?",mocked Niall, as Harry got up and chased him around the house making all of us laugh. "Sit down both of you, before you knock something over.",I scowled. Harry stopped, glared at Niall, then sat besides me. "Look he even sat besides her.",smiled Louis, as they teased harry. "Shut up.",said Harry, clearly angry as he stood up and walked out of the door. "Ill go see what's wrong.",I said, concerned about him as I followed him. "Harry wait up.",I shouted as I saw him walk away. He halted immediately and looked back at me. "Harry....what's wrong?",I asked looking into his green emerald eyes. "nothing.",he said looking away from me. "Harry....tell me?",I asked my hand touching his cheek. "nothing.",he repeated. "but-",I said. "But nothing!",he said loudly cutting me off. "I'm sorry.",he said instantly, regretting yelling at me. "I didn't mean to yell.",he said softly. "Its okay.",I replied, though I was quite shaken. "its not okay. Because right now I want something I can't have, and I'm angry I can't have it.",he said shutting his jade orbs of fury. "what?",I asked. "you.",he replied, his eyes opening revealing raw passion. "I've always loved you.",he said his fingers lingering on mine. My skin tingled with warmth where his hand touched mine. He leaned in closer , his hot minty breath close to mine. "can i?",he asked, his lips lingering an inch away from mine. I smiled and looked into his eyes. "you talked about me all tour huh?",I smirked. "I couldn't resist love.",he grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I giggled as his hand slid down my back, pulling my body against his. He leaned in pressing his lips to mine, sending a feeling of electricity throughout my body. His lips moved against mine making me weak in the knees. He pulled back grinning his dimpled smile at me. "Finally!",yelled Louis. We looked back to see Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn grinning at us and giving us a thumbs up. "Looking good y\n.",whistled Niall. "Oi....she's mine.",said Harry, wrapping a protective arm around me and grinning at them.

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