Monday 23 December 2013

Merry Christmas and Louis's birthday

Wowz. I haven't posted in foreverzzz. Sorry guyzzz. 

 Should be more active after Christmas tho :)

 Oh yeah.....

           MERRY  CHRISTMAS!
Hope you have a good one :)


its oldish but idc bye 

Monday 18 November 2013

Midnight Memory's





 Its just so perf

 Do you hear my sobbing 

  Like I cant even


I don't have links to post sorry 


Wednesday 16 October 2013

The first time Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis see you

      *sees you*
Zayn: woah...

Harry: what? ...waoh her...

Louis: what's wrong?

Liam: look there!

Louis: damn....she's mean just look at her.

Harry: I call dibs!

Louis: you can't call dibs on what's mine!

Zayn: she's mine!

Liam: lads lads calm down...because... *runs towards you* SHE'S MINE!

Harry, Zayn, Louis: *run towards you too*

Liam: I'm Liam and I'm...

Louis: *pushes Liam to the floor* Louis! Nice to meet you gorgeous!

You: i-

Harry: *pulls Louis away* Harry Styles at your service babe!

Zayn: *pulls you away* forget them! I'm Zayn, *strikes pose* Zayn Malik!

Niall: what the hell are you doing with my girlfriend!

You: *giggles* hey Niall!

Harry:'re his girl...

Niall: correction! My princess!

Louis: lucky leprechaun idiot!

Zayn: damn it!

Niall: come on baby....I have no idea, what's wrong with them....

You: sure love! *kisses him on the lips*

Sunday 13 October 2013

Niall and Liam
Imagine Niall has a giant crush on you. You walk into the room when Liam is giving him advice on how to ask you out. Their eyes quickly dash towards the door that creaks open. Niall's eyes widen as Liam speaks. "Niall has to ask you something." Liam's brown eyes sparkle. Niall shakes his head nervously. Liam pushes him towards you, carrying him. Niall tries to break free, but is caught in Liam's arms. "I'll leave you two." Liam shuts the door behind you, giving Niall a last wink. "Uhm," Niall scratches the back of his neck with his index finger. "For a while now I've had a huge crush on you and I was wondering if you might want to-" He twiddles his fingers. His eyes are focused on the floor. He keeps his head down, not wanting to make eye contact. "Go out sometime." His piercing blue eyes meet yours. 

We are awesome :3

  other fandoms when they see us:

Monday 7 October 2013


 Interviewer: what happened between you and (y/n) y'all were so cute together
Liam: can we talk about something else...

Monday 30 September 2013

Zayn imagine - Last part! Your P.O.V. (Point of view)

 Zayn imagine Last part!
Your P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a hushed argument. I slightly opened my eyes, my vision was blurry.
The argument Came to a halt. I felt Liam's hand on my head stroking back my hair. "I'm right here y/n." I completely opened my eyes. When my vision came into focus I looked over and saw Zayn.
"What are you doing here." I demanded. Zayn had a genuine expression of shock and pain in his face. "What do you mean what am I doing here.. why wouldn't you want me here?" Is he being serious right now? Zayn started to speak again. "And what is Liam doing here? Why am I the last to know you got hit by a bloody car?"
I rolled my eyes. I totally forgot, of course he doesn't remember, he was drunk off his wagon last night. I explained to him exactly how the night went. I've never seen him look so upset.
"I did what.." he said under his breath. "I'm the reason you left. I'm the reason you got hit by a car... You could have died and it would have been my fault. I shouldn't have let you leave, angel I'm so sorry.." he keeled beside my hospital bed. He put is head down on the foam mattress and started crying. I looked at Liam, asking for advice through facial expression. He gestured for me to forgive him. But was it a good idea? I feel bad for being so angry towards him.. but last night was painful to remember. Before I could say anything, Zayn grabbed my hand.
"Y/n.. there's nothing I can say to ever make you forgive me for my actions. But I need you to know that I am so... so sorry. I bent my angel's halo, now her wings are broken... and so is her trust. If you miraculously gave me the chance, I would take care of you and wait on you hand and foot till you got better. I would constantly remind you how beautiful and sexy you are every minute of every day. I would never stop telling I loved you. I'd do and say all the things I used to and should have kept doing for as long as I'm breathing. I love you, I never should have hurt you at all. Is there any way you could forgive me?"
I just stared at him. I was so blown away... I knew he meant every word that came out of his mouth. I looked at Liam and he nodded his head.
I gripped Zayn's hand, and he looked up at me.
"Do you mean everything you said? Can you go through with your Promise? Actions speak louder than words Zayn. You really hurt me. I need you to give me your word nothing like this will happen again."
Zayns pale and moist face lightened up. The twinkle was back in his beautiful brown eyes. He lightly touched my cheek and spoke. "Angel, I promise you. I will never forgive myself for this... you have my word nothing of this sort will happen again. You are my everything. My word will hold true. I will dedicate all that i have to you."
We were both crying now. I kissed his hand and told him I forgave him. I believed he meant what he said. And lets face it, he was also MY everything.

Zayn imagine - His P.O.V. (Point of view)

 Zayn imagine 

His P.O.V.

"Who the he'll is calling me at such an ungodly hour.." I groaned as I woke up. My head was banging from my hangover. I had 12 missed calls from Liam, so I called him back.
"Hello, Zayn?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Y/n is in the hospital.."
"What?! Why?!"
"She... she got hit by a car last night.."
I couldn't speak. He had to have been lying to me. I just talked to her yesterday!
"Is she okay?"
"She's still being looked after, they haven't told me anything yet."
"I'll be right there."
I hung up, grabbed my keys, and flew out the door. My stomach started churning, I began to nervously sweat. So many things were running through my head, and then one thing occurred to me.
What the hell is Liam already doing there? Why is he the first to know.
I guess we'll see when I get there.

Zayn imagine - Your P.O.V. (Point of view)

 Zayn imagine 

Your P.O.V.   

"Zayn! Stop raising your damn voice at me!" I yelled. I could feel adrenaline rushing through my veins. Lately, zayn has been talking about other girls, talking about how hot they were or how beautiful they were. I tried talking to him and telling him about how he makes me feel insecure when he talks about other girls in that way. Needless to say he isn't taking it well. Zayn looked at me with such anger in his eyes. "It's not my fault you're a sensitive little bitch! Obviously I didn't mean anything by it." I gawked at him with shock. My face was boiling hot. "What did you just say to me?" I growled. He scoffed and gave a sarcastic grin. "You heard me." Unbelievable! Why is he acting like this? I was so fed up with the way he was speaking to me. Without thinking I walked to the room we shared and grabbed my things and walked out the door. "Where the hell do you think you're going? I'm not finished this discussion." I just kept walking without turning around. "Fine! I don't care whether you leave or not! Won't change my night one bit!" My tears were filling the brims of my eyes. I kept my head down looking at my phone, trying to text Liam to see if I could stay at his house. I peaked behind my shoulder, and Zayn already walked inside his house. It started raining, as if karma was just rubbing it in my face that I trusted the wrong person. My phone buzzed, and I checked it.
From: Liam!!
Message: Of course you can stay here! Have a safe walk home.
I was about to text back when I noticed a fast approaching light from the corner of my eye.
That's when everything went black.


"Would you rather be best friends with all of us or date one of us?",said Louis cockily. "lm already you best friend.",I said smiling at him. Louis stuck his tounge out at me as Eleanor laughed at him.Zayn was cosied up on a bean bag with Perrie, Harry sat next to me, Liam was in the kitchen with Sophia and Niall sat ahead of me. Harry draped an arm around me, pulling me close. "So? How about we watch a movie!",he suggested enthusiastically. "So you can secretly kiss y\n?",smirked Niall, winking at Harry."you're blushing!",pointed out Eleanor with a giggle. And sure enough as I looked at Harry, his cheeks were red. He immediately withdrew his arm from my shoulder. "so y\n....did you know Harry couldn't stop talking about you all tour. God he wouldn't shut up!",laughed Louis as Harry shot him a glare. "did not!",protested Harry. "Y\n texted me. I like the way she laughs. She's pretty! Why can't she be my girlfriend?",mocked Niall, as Harry got up and chased him around the house making all of us laugh. "Sit down both of you, before you knock something over.",I scowled. Harry stopped, glared at Niall, then sat besides me. "Look he even sat besides her.",smiled Louis, as they teased harry. "Shut up.",said Harry, clearly angry as he stood up and walked out of the door. "Ill go see what's wrong.",I said, concerned about him as I followed him. "Harry wait up.",I shouted as I saw him walk away. He halted immediately and looked back at me. "Harry....what's wrong?",I asked looking into his green emerald eyes. "nothing.",he said looking away from me. "Harry....tell me?",I asked my hand touching his cheek. "nothing.",he repeated. "but-",I said. "But nothing!",he said loudly cutting me off. "I'm sorry.",he said instantly, regretting yelling at me. "I didn't mean to yell.",he said softly. "Its okay.",I replied, though I was quite shaken. "its not okay. Because right now I want something I can't have, and I'm angry I can't have it.",he said shutting his jade orbs of fury. "what?",I asked. "you.",he replied, his eyes opening revealing raw passion. "I've always loved you.",he said his fingers lingering on mine. My skin tingled with warmth where his hand touched mine. He leaned in closer , his hot minty breath close to mine. "can i?",he asked, his lips lingering an inch away from mine. I smiled and looked into his eyes. "you talked about me all tour huh?",I smirked. "I couldn't resist love.",he grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I giggled as his hand slid down my back, pulling my body against his. He leaned in pressing his lips to mine, sending a feeling of electricity throughout my body. His lips moved against mine making me weak in the knees. He pulled back grinning his dimpled smile at me. "Finally!",yelled Louis. We looked back to see Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn grinning at us and giving us a thumbs up. "Looking good y\n.",whistled Niall. "Oi....she's mine.",said Harry, wrapping a protective arm around me and grinning at them.


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Mainly Louis, but all the boys imagine

You: where's Louis?

Niall: *smirks* why?

You: Just tell me!

Liam: ooohh...someones concerned... *winks*

You: I'm serious!

Zayn: so are we love. You see we can tell when somethings up...

Harry: yep.... *grins*

You: what???

Harry: You obviously have a crush on Louis....and well he's lovestruck over you. *hugs you*

You: me? Wait...lovestruck? What! Wait! Huh?

Liam: aww she's blushing!

You: am not!

Zayn: She's in loooovvveee

You: would you tell me where he is!

Niall: *laughs* nope!

Louis: *enters* hey! Stop torturing her! *wraps an arm around your shoulder*

Zayn: protective.. *winks at the lads*

Louis: about what?

Harry: y\n. *smiles*

Liam:we told her you like like her.

Louis:...........what?why would you do that! I told you lads because- crap.......*looks at you* I forgot you're here....... *facepalm*

You: *giggles*

Louis: I umm...

Harry: Just ask her out?

Louis: Will you....will you go date on a out with me-me.... *looks at you nervously*

You: huh?

Niall: He means-

Zayn: will you go out on a date with him?

Liam: the answer is a yes!

Harry: he'll pick you up tomorrow at 7PM.

Niall: in a limo. Where something not formal..and then a kiss at the end!

Zayn: Or a movie date at home?


Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn: yeah?

Louis: We....are going...not you. She hasn't even said yes yet...she probably doesn't even want to go out with me, let alone kiss-

You: *cuts him off with a kiss and whispers* YES!

Niall and Louis mostly, but all the boys imagine

Warning: bad language.

"You're a bloody selfish asshole!",I yelled as I stared at him. "All you care about is yourself, and nobody in this room would dare disagree.",I said loudly, aware of the audience I was attracting. "You want to fight here? Fine! Let's fight here!",said Niall, raising an eyebrow. He was wearing tight skinny jeans, a white tak top and a leather jacket. "Go to hell!",I screamed spinning around. I felt his hand on my shoulder grab me tightly, and the next thing I knew I was pushed up against the wall. "You're nothing to me.",he said, his cold blue eyes staring at me. Tears pricked my eyes at the pain his words inflicted and at the pain he was physically inflicting. "Niall...stop it mate.",said Harry, placing his hand on Niall and tugging him away. Niall glared at me one more time, and backed away, his nostrils flaring. "You okay?",whispered Louis as he walked up to me lightly placing his hand on my shoulder. "Ofcourse! Who else should come to her aid but Louis Tomlinson.",scoffed Niall. "Niall, calm down.",warned Harry. "Calm down? He is the ass my girlfriend is cheating on me with and you're telling me to calm down.",shouted Niall angrily. "For the last fucking time! I'm not sleeping with your girlfriend!",said Louis, frustrated at Niall. Liam stepped in, holding Niall and Louis away from each other. "stop it. Both of you.",he said. "Ill stop it when he stops stealing what's mine!",said Niall. "I'm not yours.",I shouted. "See!I knew you were cheating on me.",he said as a matter of factly. "I meant I belong to nobody. I'm a person not a thing.",I pointed out, irritatingly. "You're a bitch.",he said looking at me. "Apologize.",said Louis. "Why? She your girlfriend?",mocked Niall darkly. "No. But she's going to be.",said Louis, grabbing my hand. "Louis what-",I said but he cut me off, by raising his hand. "WHAT?", said Niall in shock. "Someone as ungreatful as you doesn't deserve her.",said Louis, grabbing my hand and pulling me in for a kiss, shocking everyone including himself.

Zayn Imagine



"I don't need you in my fucking life y/n!" Zayn shouted at me as I held my head in my hands. "I'm so so sorry Zayn..." I spoke. Tears started streaming down my face. "What do you mean you're sorry?! You were having sex with that fucking idiot! You cheated on me!" He pushed me at the wall. He was gonna burst into tears any moment. "I'm fucking done with you bitch!" He shouted slamming the door. I laid against the wall. What had I done? The moments we had together..,,I could never have them back. I cried against the wall not knowing what to do. The only way to let out hurt was to cry now. I can't get over him. How can I tell him that I really do love him? That I want him back? I knew this couldn't happen. I could never forgive myself.

Might do a part two, comment if you think I should.

All the boys Imagine


Harry: come on Darcy! You need to give that back to daddy!

Darcy: no daddy no. *playing with Cereal* 

Harry: careful now darling.

Darcy: *throws cereal all over her self* oops daddy!

Harry: I told you so! *picking her* let's get you cleaned up. *goes in the room*

Liam: did she vomit?

Harry: no that's cereal.

Niall: can I eat it off of her?

Harry: no Niall!

Louis: can I help you Harry?

Harry: yeah I'd like that Louis!

Zayn: Wait Louis!

Louis: what?

Zayn: where's that cape for Darcy?

Louis: shit Zayn! You blew it up!

Zayn: sorry.....

You: blew up what!

Louis: that I made a super man costume for your little girl...

You: awe that's so sweet of you Lou! Harry you should be more like him! *goes out*

Harry: I hate you Lou -.-

Monday 23 September 2013

"Catfish" A Harry Styles imagine part 2

 "Hi (Y/N)" The boy said. You couldn't believe your eyes! Harry freaking Styles was standing infront of you. You tried not to scream, and instead you smiled at him. "Hi Edward" You said and winked at him. "You didn't expected it was me, did you?" He asked. "No not at all, I just thought i don't know. I'm overwelmed with feels at the moment" You giggled.

"Why do you have this fake account?" You asked him. ''To talk to fans" He awnsered. "Oh okay, now I get it!" You said. He laughed and then winked at you. You talked for about half an hour and then went outside for a walk in the park.

"Look (Y/N)! There are swings over there!" Harry screamed and he ran to the swings. You laughed and ran after them. ''I love these!" You smiled and then started to sing a song that you had in your head the whole day. It was It's a beautiful day by Michael Buble.

"It's a beautiful day and i can't stop myself from smiling" You continued to sing and Harry couldn't do anything but smile at you. ''You have a beautiful voice" He smiled. ''Thanks, but I don't sing a lot, only when i'm home alone i sing" You said shyly. ''Hey, no need to be shy babe" He said. It made you feel comfortable.

"Catfish" a Harry Styles imagine part 1

 Harry imagine for everyone


''Hello'' you said to a random stranger on omegle. ''Hii'' the stranger said. "How are you?" You asked him. ''I'm fine, you?" He asked. "I'm fine, i'm just a bit tired" You said. You talked for about 15 minutes and you got to know him a bit better, his name is Edward, he's 19 and he lives in London.

"What's your facebook?" He asked. "(Y/FBN)" You awnsered and he sended you a request. You accepted it and you talked on facebook for about an other hour. The conversation was about what kind of music you liked, your friends and many more subjects.

*The next day*
nd of "date" not a date date but just were you could meet eachother. "OMG!" Your best friend screamed. she was so happy for you that you could finally meet him!

"You should wear this! Or this!". Your best friend was searching through your closet for an outfit you could wear for your date. "(Y/BF/N), stop it! You're not helping me make a decission!" You smiled and she laughed really hard.

*Day of the date*

The day has finally arrived, you are gonna meet Edward. You needed to be at 3pm at Starbucks. You got dressed into shorts, a blouse and a pair of converse. You straightend your hair and went to Starbucks, it was already 2:45pm so you needed to hurry up.
You went into Starbucks and ordered ice coffee. You didn't saw Edward yet. "He's late" You thought to yourself, so you decided to put on some music. Best Song Ever by One Direction was playing until you felt someone tap your shoulder.

"Hi (Y/N)"


10 Years Later

 " *10 years later*
“diana, georgia-rose, larry and Ziall it’s time for dinner”
“what’s for dinner mom”
*looks off into the distance*
“carrots” "

I literally cannot cope with this fandom anymore


 "niall, you there?"
"yeah, what's up?"
"baby, i'm pregnant."



Your last first kiss :3

 Last First Kiss:






Tuesday 17 September 2013

Hey Directioners

  Hey sorry I haven't posted in ages guys, I have been super busy, but I will try to post everyday if I can. :)

Friday 6 September 2013



I just can't....


Zayn and Niall Imagine

  You: *talking to lux* awe sweety.

Zayn: *sees how good you are with kids, comes to you and wraps his arms around your waist* maybe we should make babies huh babe?

You: *giggle*

*Later that day*

Niall: *eating a sandwhich*

Lux: *runs to Niall* uncle Niall, how do we make babies?

Niall: *leaves his food* THATS IT! Zayn!!

Niall Imagine

Niall: Where are you going?

You: I'm just-

Niall: please don't go! Please don't leave me! *starts tugging your shirt*

You: Niall stop it!

Niall: no! Please don't leave me alone! By the way......where are you going?

You: I'm going to the super market -.-

Niall: that case, please bring me some Oreos beautiful?

Niall Imagine

Niall: Where are you going?

You: I'm just-

Niall: please don't go! Please don't leave me! *starts tugging your shirt*

You: Niall stop it!

Niall: no! Please don't leave me alone! By the way......where are you going?

You: I'm going to the super market -.-

Niall: that case, please bring me some Oreos beautiful?

Harry Imagine

  Harry: Fine okay yes I have a huge crush on (Y/N)
Zayn: Awe Harry has a wittle crush on somebody.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Harry Imagine

  Harry: Say it.
You: Harry stop.
Harry: Cmon just once, for me?
You: Harry no!
Harry: I'll leave you alone if you do.
You: Fine, I love you.

Saturday 31 August 2013




What He Does When You Cry

 What he does when you cry:

Harry:He holds you close and says nothing just simply hugs you wrapping his arms around you as you inhale his perfume.He presses his lips against your cheek kissing each and every tear away.

Louis:He hugs you,clutching you to his chest as your salty tears soak his shirt.He strokes your hair and kisses the top of your head whispering "shshshshhh it'll be okay."

Zayn:He lays down on the bed cuddling with you,crossing his arms on your stomach intwining his arms in yours.He sings ,"and I will always love you.",cooing in your ear.

Liam:He wipes your tears lightly brushing his thumb over them,and looks you straigh in the eye,"my baby is strong.She doesn't cry right?come on now let's see that smile beautiful?huh?And when you don't smile and look away he tilts your chin down and kisses your forehead gently before bringing you in a warm embrace.

Niall:He takes one look at you and lifts you up and cradles you in his arms as he sits down.He holds you as you cry running his fingers through your hear,whispering the song,"You smile I smile....Baby take my open heart and all it offers Cause this is as unconditional as it'll ever get You ain't seen nothing yet I won't ever hesitate to give you more."

Niall Imagine


 Niall: Hey what's your name love?

You: um. Um. (Y/N)

Niall: That's a cute name



Hey Directioners

  Hey Directioners!   I won't be saying much on this blog just posting One Direction videos, pictures and imagines.

 I hope you enjoy! :)